Hi, my name is André from Florianópolis, Brazil. I'm a backend developer, currently working at Ifood.

Kotlin basics - null safety



I'm planning to write some posts about Kotlin, the first one is about null safety.

I read last year the book Effective Kotlin from Marcin Moskala, so I plan to use the book as a reference for some points and will write the item number if you want to read later.

Item 8: Handle nulls properly

In general, there are 3 ways of how nullable types can be handled. We can:

  1. Handling nullability safely using safe call ?., smart casting, Elvis operator, etc.
  2. Throw an error
  3. Refactor this function or property so that it won’t be nullable
  • Null safety

    Kotlin has a built-in null safety feature, so if your code throws NullPointerException(), it's possible that you are doing something wrong. For Kotlin to understand if some value can be null or not, put ? after type.

    private val someValue: String? = null
    1. You can access attributes from some nullable value using safe call. The result value will be nullable.

      data class SomeObject(val name: String)
      private val someValue: SomeObject? = SomeObject("Andre")
      someValue.name //compilation error because someValue can be null
      someValue?.name //using safe call
    2. Kotlin will smart cast values for you. For example, when using requireNotNull, after that point Kotlin will recognize your value as not nullable because otherwise IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.

      private val someValue: String? = null
      val newValue: String = requireNotNull(someValue) //newValue will be not nullable
      if(someValue != null) { //inside if someValue will be not nullable } 
    3. You can use Elvis operator to handle null values. It's possible to throw exception too.

      fun example() : String? = null
      val value: String = example() ?: "another string"
      val value: String = example() ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("error")
    4. Kotlin's collections has available a lot of functions to handle nulls.

      //when you need to first map values and filter null values after.
      list.map { it?.toString() }.filter { it != null } 
      list.map { it?.toString() }.filterNotNull()
      //prefer using less operations
      list.mapNotNull { it?.toString() } 
    5. Avoid using !!, this operator only quietly hides the nullability. If the value is null, Kotlin will throw NPE. The only acceptable usage is when your project uses some java library that doesn't integrate with Kotlin.

That's it for this post, next post will be about immutability.
